This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" Lamentations 3:21-24 (NKJV)
We are entering a new year and many people are making New Year’s Resolutions, which represent changes that they want to make in the coming days ahead. There seems to be a bit of backlash against making resolutions, but seeing and seizing the opportunity to make changes can be spiritually significant. The process called “Christian Discipleship” is all about progress and transformation…and it should go without saying, “transformation” and becoming a “new creation” is all about profound and substantial change.
Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that birth into the kingdom of God requires a new birth. (You can read the story in John 3) A fresh start, a reset, a new beginning, a clean slate, another shot, renewal; all of these phrases and words point us in the direction of hope. Hope that life will work out for our good. Hope that we can make the necessary life changes that point in a more beneficial direction. With God’s guidance and strength this possibility for change moves from unlikely to possible. With our submission to God’s transforming work we move from possible to probable.
Here is an encouraging word: God’s mercies are “new” every morning. That means that you can have a fresh start every day. Regardless of the past—it’s failures and disappointments—today is a new day full of possibilities. The future looks extremely bright, not from wishful thinking, but from the provision of an Almighty God who is overflowing with grace, mercy and love. Make a fresh start today!
We are entering a new year and many people are making New Year’s Resolutions, which represent changes that they want to make in the coming days ahead. There seems to be a bit of backlash against making resolutions, but seeing and seizing the opportunity to make changes can be spiritually significant. The process called “Christian Discipleship” is all about progress and transformation…and it should go without saying, “transformation” and becoming a “new creation” is all about profound and substantial change.
Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that birth into the kingdom of God requires a new birth. (You can read the story in John 3) A fresh start, a reset, a new beginning, a clean slate, another shot, renewal; all of these phrases and words point us in the direction of hope. Hope that life will work out for our good. Hope that we can make the necessary life changes that point in a more beneficial direction. With God’s guidance and strength this possibility for change moves from unlikely to possible. With our submission to God’s transforming work we move from possible to probable.
Here is an encouraging word: God’s mercies are “new” every morning. That means that you can have a fresh start every day. Regardless of the past—it’s failures and disappointments—today is a new day full of possibilities. The future looks extremely bright, not from wishful thinking, but from the provision of an Almighty God who is overflowing with grace, mercy and love. Make a fresh start today!
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